Dobrotvorna zaklada DS Smitha donirala je 1 milijun dolara organizaciji The Nature Conservancy za očuvanje voda i bioraznolikosti diljem svijeta

DS Smith, vodeći proizvođač održivih ambalažnih rješenja, papira i papirnatih proizvoda, te pružatelj usluga recikliranja diljem svijeta, danas je najavio donaciju od 1 milijun dolara iz svoje dobrotvorne zaklade, organizaciji The Nature Conservancy za financiranje triju projekta očuvanja rijeka u Hrvatskoj, Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Ova suradnja podržat će globalne prioritete organizacije The […]

Montenegro’s Bistrica River Joins Growing List of Legally Protected Rivers in the Western Balkans

The Municipal Assembly of Bijelo Polje voted today to bolster the status of Đalovića Gorge as a Natural Monument, marking a significant milestone for sustainable river protection in Montenegro. Following an initiative to protect the Bistrica River, launched by a coalition of environmental groups including Eco-Team and The Nature Conservancy, the Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro evaluated […]

The Nature Conservancy and Public Institution Natura Viva Join Forces to Protect the Mrežnica River in Croatia

By signing the Memorandum of Understanding today, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Public Institution Natura Viva agree to work together on the establishment of new protected areas along the Mrežnica River in Croatia. Apart from jointly contributing to the protection of the river, both organizations recognize the need for new scientific research in the area, […]

Regional Initiative Aims to Protect Up to 400 Kilometres of Rivers Across Southeast Europe

United for Rivers, a regional initiative dedicated to protecting 13 rivers across Southeast Europe, was launched today. By prioritizing the engagement of local communities, The Nature Conservancy and six partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia aim to safeguard the ecological, social, and cultural values of freshwater ecosystems in the region […]

Karlovac County Assembly Votes for the Protection of the Mrežnica and Tounjčica Rivers

In a groundbreaking decision, the Karlovac County Assembly has officially confirmed the protection of the Mrežnica and Tounjčica rivers in Croatia and the establishment of two new protected areas, marking a significant milestone in the county’s nature conservation efforts. The decision was reached today following an initiative led by the Public Institution for Nature Protection […]

One Step Closer to Veliki Rzav River Special Nature Reserve

In addition to widely-known natural features, southwest Serbia also hides many river pearls, among which the most valuable is the Veliki Rzav River. This is supported by the results of scientific research conducted by the Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia in cooperation with the Ecological Association Rzav over the past four years. Results of […]